Bethesda Historical Society

Watch 2024's fabulous start
to the preservation of the Bethesda Meeting House!

A huge thank you to the dozens of volunteers who made 2024 such an incredible year for the Bethesda Historical Society and Bethesda Meeting House Foundation. As you can see from this video, we accomplished an amazing amount and we could not have done it without you! 

Residents in the Bethesda area in 1865

In 1865, the U.S. Congress authorized Simon J. Martenet, a 33-year old Baltimore master surveyor and mapmaker, to create a map of Montgomery County showing the location of all homes, businesses, churches and schools. Martenet’s firm continues to operate in Baltimore.

Here are the names of the home owners, businesses, churches and schools Martenet located in the Bethesda Election District in 1865:

Celebrate the Arrival of Spring with Us at the Bethesda Meeting House
Sunday April 13th

Please join us Sunday April 13 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm to enjoy the arrival of spring with other Bethesda history lovers at the historic Bethesda Meeting House. Spring is magnificent at the site

You’ll also have the opportunity to tour the buildings and learn more about the history of this amazing place. You’re also welcome to bring your gloves, garden tools, rakes, shovels and battery-powered leaf blowers to help us garden.

We’re looking forward to seeing you. No need to RSVP. Ample parking is available. We’re at 9400 Rockville Pike, accessible only when driving south towards NIH. See you then!

We're always interested in Bethesda memorabilia

Do you have a copy of a history or reminiscences about your Bethesda neighborhood or your street?

Do you collect historical artifacts of Bethesda life that you’d like to share with  the community? Do you have videos of past Bethesda?

Are you interested in recording an oral history of your memories of Bethesda?

The Bethesda Historical Society would like to talk with you!

Email us at

Past, Present and Future of the
Bethesda Meeting House

Watch Hank Levine, president of the Bethesda Meeting House Foundation, present an illustrated tour of this iconic building’s history, architecture and significance.

Click here to watch it on Youtube
Hank’s presentation begins at the 3:10 mark.

Support the Bethesda Meeting House Foundation!

The Bethesda Meeting House Foundation is raising funds through Garden for Wildlife native plant sales. This is a “feel good, do good” fundraiser that helps our organization not only earn much needed financial resources but it also helps our community!

The Bethesda Meeting House will earn 15 percent of all plant sales when you use our unique sales link:

Bethesda Historical Society
4300 Montgomery Avenue #104
Bethesda, MD 20814

Office is open by appointment