Bethesda Historical Society

January 23, 2024 - Bethesda's 153rd birthday!

Books about Bethesda and the Bethesda area

Bethesda: A Social History
by William Offutt (1995)

Bethesda and Chevy Chase
by Steve Roberts (2016)

Available at Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC

Old Edgemoor: The Heart of Bethesda
by Frederic G. Berner, Jr. (2019)

Can be ordered from Politics and Prose

Old Bethesda by Doree Germaine Holman and Bethesda Not So Old
by Gertrude D. Bradley (1956)

The spirit of Captain John : a history of the Bethesda Presbyterian Church
by Eugene and Edythe Clark (1970) 

Available from Brookmont Civic League