Bethesda Historical Society

Category: Uncategorized

FDR Dedicates NIH

President Franklin Roosevelt Dedicates the Opening of the National Institutes of Health in October 1940 On October 31, 1940. President Roosevelt, standing on the portico in front of Building 1, speaks about the role of government in promoting and stimulating research into cancer and other diseases, and the work of the Public Health Service […]

Bethesda Memories drafts

Bethesda Memories President Franklin Roosevelt Designs the new Naval Hospital in Bethesda In December 1937, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt sketched out on White House stationery his vision for a new naval hospital to be built in the Washington area. He based his design on the new Nebraska State Capitol building in Lincoln (below) that had […]

Birthday Boosters

Thank you 150th Bethesda Birthday Boosters! Bruce AdamsAda’s GrandparentsFred BernerBethesda ChocolatesBethesda Crab HouseJan CaryGriffin CycleOzgur KaraosmanogluWendy & Steven KaufmanHenry B. & Jessie W. Keiser FoundationMatthew LoganMaria Longo-SwiekSusan Riggle LoPrestiJack MarshallEileen S. McGuckian & Philip L. CantelonMinuteman Press BethesdaOurisman Jeep BethesdaGordon RiggleStrosniders HardwareThe Blue HouseEdwin Weiner Click here to become a Bethesda Birthday Booster